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Friday, May 25, 2012 | 0 comment[s]

Graduation! “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

Finally graduated from Singapore Polytechnic after 3 extensive, fruitful years!
Feels like a Hogwarts magician with that huge, fine enchanting robe, heh heh.

 Still a pure-blood muggle unfortunately lolol ╥﹏╥

ヽ( ^^)人(^^ )ノ
Lots of lovely photos snapped (♥).
Will be back on an elaborate post on graduation once I've collated all the photos hehe.

And for nowwwwww,

 I'm back photos of my virgin attempt in baking!
Chocolate chip cookies, yumyumz hehe.

First batch of cookies turned out somewhat.. Unpleasantly awful LOL.
Just the appearance wise though, meh. (´・_・`)
I mean, I don't know (I really don't know) I've gotta to let it cool before transferring
them into serving plates and I just chucked them over happily (obtusely rather, LOL).

The texture was soft like pineapple tarts and it crumbles way too easily haha ( ´¬`)
#fail #fail #fail

Mum was preparing dinner at the back and mocking at my failed attempt LOL * cries *
But but but but but!

Sent the second batch of cookies in the oven for another 15 minutes,

this time I gave it time to cool and viola!
It did not crumble into pieces muahahah!

Final product - Seikou! 成功(^v^)

Hehe was feeling rather happy and accomplished.
Aunt said it tasted pretty good!

Imma bake it again soon and try to achieve the crispy/crunchy texture!

Digged into a few sources online.. Was probably due to insufficient eggs or butter ٩(×̯×)۶

Gotta consult my dear banana soon. She's one hell of a baking expert heh.

Up next on the baking list: Egg Tarts!
Massive affection for egg tarts (*´▽`*)

Source: Shutterbug Gal

That's all I have for you now minna-san.
Till then and be back soon!
\(^ ^)/