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Friday, August 26, 2011 | 0 comment[s]

It's been another month since I last updated muahahah D:
Will be doodling on this space more regularly since it's holiday now ^^

Check out my Tumblr since I'm reblogging like everyday haha.

Anyway photo above's taken at STGCC 2011 :P

Been photographing for such cosplay and random events.
Shall do a proper post on that and on Street Fest real soon :)
Once I've finished editing all the photos that is heh heh.

Photos like these:

And a whole lot more.

Posted my album on cosplay forum and on Facebook's event page
so these cosplayers can actually find and tag themselves :P

& yes if you're wondering, that's Dingting and Jasmin with their Gintama cosplay group ^^

Honestly feel that huge sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when people
compliment my photography skills and use em' as their profile pictures.

Heheheh. Always utterly delighted when that happens \^^/
Time to start saving for a good and proper DSLR soon!
Thank god Roy managed to slot me and baby in for the upcoming Comex Fair :D

1st to 4th September @ Suntec Convention Hall.
SALES PROMOTER LEY. Good money I guess (I hope!).
Provided I get to sell a whole bunch of desktops/laptops haha :P

Anyway, totally regretted giving Natsu Matsuri a miss cause Joe feedback-ed
that it was an absolute blast ): ROARRRRRRRRR.

Imma get my own yukata and attend next year!

All in all, life's been good except that my mum still refuses to loosen
her stringent supervision on me despite the fact that I'm already 19.
Talked or rather argued about it, and I guess I managed to knock a little sense
into her to trust my maturity to judge from what's right or wrong.

Come on man, I'm not gonna have sex and have a baby.
There are way better things to do and experience in life,
and virginity is only for the one who's gonna get that ring on my finger.

I hope she gets me, sigh.

School assignment's bothersome and tiring as usual.
Have got to work on my final year project regardless of this 6 weeks break.

Looking forward to so many things this holiday..
Like basketball with dearest banana and the macphersoncc dudes,
IT fair, photographing, recording covers, meeting up with the clique etc :)

Presentation to client in school later.
That's all I've got to blabber for now :P

Till then and be back soon ^^
